Thanks for the help Jim.
I have found the testsuite stuff, and this in turn pointed me at, which in turn told me that the build farm is using cc
instead of gcc.
I was able to get the compile finished with cc and make (rather than gcc
and gmake).
One thing to note: I could only get the ssh-basic.test to work by adding a
kludge and commenting out the "ThisShouldGo Line."
# diff ssh-basic.orig ssh-basic.test
25a26,28> mkdir -p /opt/rsync/rsync-2.5.6/testtmp.ssh-basic/from
> cp /tmp/* /opt/rsync/rsync-2.5.6/testtmp.ssh-basic/from
< mv ${TO}/${F1} ${TO}/ThisShouldGo
---> #mv ${TO}/${F1} ${TO}/ThisShouldGo
John Campbell
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