Wang: I take it you mean that your mail bounced. Your domain is probably in the RBL or something. The commandline you give is an attempt to contact a rsyncd server. That means that the server you're contacting would have /etc/rsyncd.conf, and either an appropriate entry in /etc/services and /etc/inetd.conf, or would be started manually with "rsync --daemon". I'm guessing that's not the case. The default port for an rsyncd is 873, so there's no reason to specify it on your commandline. There are three transport used by rsync: local, which uses either shared memory or pipes - my best guess. tcp connection to an rsyncd server. tcp connection through an external transport (rsh, ssh). local probably already works for you. to use an rsync server, set one up (man rsyncd.conf). you CAN run it as non-root, in which case, you will be using the --port= parameter, so you can designate a port above 1024. To use an external transport, you must have one that works without a password. set it up so you can "rsh server uname -a" or "ssh server uname -a", and that tells you that you have a working external transport. After that condition is satisfied, if you can use the transport to do "rsync --version", you can do the rsync, if not, you'll need either to get rsync into your path or specify the location of the remote rsync with --rsync-path=. Tim Conway 303.682.4917 office, 3039210301 cell Philips Semiconductor - Longmont TC 1880 Industrial Circle, Suite D Longmont, CO 80501 Available via SameTime Connect within Philips, n9hmg on AIM perl -e 'print pack(nnnnnnnnnnnn, 19061,29556,8289,28271,29800,25970,8304,25970,27680,26721,25451,25970), ".\n" ' "There are some who call me.... Tim?" ???? <> 07/11/2002 08:23 PM To: Tim Conway/LMT/SC/PHILIPS@AMEC cc: Subject: still about rsync/ssh" Classification: Hi! Thank you very much for your help.I tried to write to ,but was sent back soon.I have to disturb you again :P The problem now is when I remove the -e ssh parameter, the rsync can't connect to the remote host. When I try to use # rsync --port 873 to change to tcp transport, it gave the prompt "fail to connect to", what is the problem? How can I use rsync directly through tcp but not ssh, or how can I use rsync through ssh but without inputing the password? wang li