On 12 Apr 2002, Harry Putnam <reader@newsguy.com>
wrote:> I go thru this every few mnths it seems. Rsyncs exclude rules are
> very sophisticated but because of that somewhat unfathomable at
> times.
Remember in 2.5.5 you can use -vv to get an explanation of which
include/exclude rule caused a particular file to be handled a
particular way. (Suggestions to improve this, as always, are
> Simplified:
> I want to exclude directories named no_bak anywhere in the tree
> but only the files under them, not the direcrories themselves.
|-- foo
| |-- back
| | `-- file
| |-- file
| `-- no_back
| |-- file
| `-- quux
| `-- file
|-- no_back
| `-- file
`-- phono_back
`-- file
6 directories, 6 files
I think the solution is:
mbp/3 harry$ rsync --exclude '**/no_back/*' --exclude
'no_back/*' /tmp/harry/ /tmp/harry2/ -rvv
building file list ...
expand file_list to 4000 bytes, did move
excluding directory foo/no_back/quux because of pattern **/no_back/*
excluding file foo/no_back/file because of pattern **/no_back/*
excluding file no_back/file because of pattern no_back/*
total: matches=0 tag_hits=0 false_alarms=0 data=87
wrote 374 bytes read 68 bytes 884.00 bytes/sec
total size is 87 speedup is 0.20
'**/no_back/*' matches "any number of directory components, then a
directory called no_back, then anything else", so it chops off just
after passing through a directory called no_back. 'no_back/*' clears
up the top level one.
As far as I can see you need both because the first must have a slash
to prevent it matching filenames that just end in no_back.
Result is:
|-- foo
| |-- back
| | `-- file
| |-- file
| `-- no_back
|-- no_back
`-- phono_back
`-- file
5 directories, 3 files