I test rsync V2.4.6 with Cygwin V1.3.5 and W2k. The entries in the logfile look like: 2001/11/14 [1404] rsyncd version 2.4.6 starting 2001/11/14 [1432] rsync to transfer from radionrw@fs-1.dmz.radionrw.net ( 2001/11/14 [1392] wrote 73 bytes read 10649 bytes total size 796093596 Normally there is the time after the date. Where is it possible to change this? Thanks for your help Achim Strauch audio data Ton- und Datentechnik GmbH Eisenbahnstr. 11, D-10997 Berlin fon: +49 30 612 84 812, fax: +49 30 612 84 815