Hi all, I may be missing something simple here, but I''m having problems with attempting to get a javascript request test going. I''m not sure if this is the correct place to ask but perhaps someone will be able to direct me to the right place if not. The problem I''m having is that in my before(:each) block in the test I create about 60 records (using FactoryGirl) so that I can test filtering/searching data. Here''s my code for that: before(:each) do # create records for pagination and filtering @consumers = FactoryGirl.create_list(:user, 50) @providers = FactoryGirl.create_list(:provider, 10) # create and log in with an admin user @user = Factory(:admin) visit log_in_path fill_in "email", :with => @user.EmailAddress fill_in "password", :with => "foobar" click_button "Log in" end So in effect that just populates some data and logs in with an admin user. The problem is, when I run a test with :js => true, I do not see any users in the list. Take the following two tests: it "should show users", :focus => true, :solr => true do visit users_path save_and_open_page page.should have_css(''.row'') end it "should show users with javascript", :focus => true, :js => true, :solr => true do visit users_path save_and_open_page page.should have_css(''.row'') end The first one passes, and opens up a saved page showing a nice list of users. The second one fails, and opens up an empty user listing. I''ve tried with both selenium and capybara-webkit and both exhibit the same result. Any idea why this may be?