On Oct 21, 2010, at 1:35 AM, a-iparikh wrote:
> I want test case in rspec for:
> @drugs = Drug.where(''drug_category_id = ?'', params[:id])
> has anybody solution for it?
Please use the rspec-users mailing list for usage questions (I CC''d
rspec-devel to make sure you''d get this).
You haven''t provided much information here. You''re asking how
to test a line of code, but what we want to do is specify behaviour of objects
at a higher level than that. I''m guessing that this is a controller in
a Rails 3 app. Can you tell us which controller this is (DrugsController,
DrugCategoriesController, DrugUsersController, etc), what action this is, and
what you expect this action to do?