Kristian Mandrup
2010-Aug-25 18:57 UTC
[rspec-users] RSpec ActionView released - simplifies creating specs for your View helpers --- require ''spec_helper'' module MyView module Tab def tab_for(clazz, &block) content = with_output_buffer(&block) content_tag :li, content, :class => clazz end end module Say def hello(clazz, &block) content = with_output_buffer(&block) content_tag :div, content, :class => clazz end def name ''Kristian'' end end end describe ''My View extensions'' do # extend ActionView::Base with custom helper modules extend_view_with MyView, :tab, :say it "should do the magic!!!" do with_engine(:erb) do |e| e.run_template("hello <%= name %>").should match /Kristian/ e.run_template do %{<%= tab_for :x do %> <%= hello :blip do %> ged <% end %> <% end %>} end.should match /ged/ end end end