Hi everyone, I''m developing a rails app with several engines. I was wondering if it''s possible to autospec all my engine''s specs. I''ve tried putting the following content into my .autotest (in the app''s root directory): Autotest.add_hook :initialize do |at| # find all my plugins with an spec directory engine_plugins = Dir[''vendor/plugins/*''].select{|dir| File.directory? ("#{dir}/spec")} engine_plugins.each do |plugin_path| at.add_mapping %r%^#{plugin_path}/app/models/(.*)\.rb$% do |_, m| at.files_matching "#{plugin_path}/spec/models/#{m[1]}_spec.rb" end end end But when any plugin''s model is changed, for example, it seems that nothing happens. Has anybody tried it before? Thanks in advance!