Chris Sund
2009-Jul-23 21:26 UTC
[rspec-users] What else should I include in this model spec?
Hey everyone, I just created a spec for an existing model I already developed prior to reading the rspec book. I have 5 examples and they are all passing. I''m just not sure what else I need to add or how I implement it. In this model I have some methods for adding existing names to an account, and also geocoding addresses for my google map. Here''s my model code....followed by my current spec file. In my spec file I basically added my validation information, I''m just not sure how to add the other stuff. Any suggestions are appreciated. Keep in mind I''m trying to get my current app up to date with testing procedures. I wrote a portion of the app prior to having any knowledge of BDD and now I''m playing catch up on the testing side of things. In every case I''m also getting familiar with the ruby syntax - if you see something seriously wrong let me know. Many Thanks! - this group is great. MODEL ACCOUNT.RB------------ class Account < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :names, :dependent => :destroy has_many :readings, :dependent => :destroy validates_presence_of :s_property_no, :s_service_address, :s_service_address_zip # On the fly Geocoding acts_as_mappable before_validation_on_create :geocode_address before_validation_on_update :geocode_address # Thinking Sphinx Search Indexes define_index do indexes s_property_no, :sortable => true indexes s_service_address, :facet => true indexes, :as => :property_name end # adding human attributes to error messages HUMAN_ATTRIBUTES = { :s_property_no => "Property Number" } def self.human_attribute_name(attr) HUMAN_ATTRIBUTES[attr.to_sym] || super end # end human attributes def new_name_attributes=(name_attributes) name_attributes.each do |attributes| end end after_update :save_names def existing_name_attributes=(name_attributes) names.reject(&:new_record?).each do |name| attributes = name_attributes[] if attributes name.attributes = attributes else names.delete(name) end end end def save_names names.each do |name| end end # Map Information for Geocoding def full_address "#{s_service_address},#{s_service_address_zip}" end private def geocode_address if s_service_address_changed? or s_service_address_zip_changed? geo = GeoKit::Geocoders::MultiGeocoder.geocode(full_address) errors.add(:address, "Could not geocode address" ) unless geo.success self.s_latitude, self.s_longitude =, geo.lng if geo.success end end end CURRENT SPEC FILE - ACCOUNT_SPEC.RB ---------------------------- require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + ''/../spec_helper'' ) describe Account do describe "validations" do before(:each) do @account= =>"1000", :s_service_address => "1201 Washington St", :s_service_address_zip => "59601" ) end it "should be valid with valid attributes (property no, service address and zip)" do @account.should be_valid end it "should not be valid without a service address or zipcode" do @account.s_service_address = nil @account.s_service_address_zip = nil @account.s_property_no = nil @account.should_not be_valid end it "should have one error on service address" do @account.s_service_address = nil @account.should have(1).error_on(:s_service_address) end it "should have one error on property number" do @account.s_property_no = nil @account.should have(1).error_on(:s_property_no) end it "should have one error on service address zip" do @account.s_service_address_zip = nil @account.should have(1).error_on(:s_service_address_zip) end end end