I wonder if anyone has some clues as to what is happening in the following.. Output from running the feature.. Quote>> Scenario: Create an Order Given I''m viewing the Rubber Duck product When I press "<span>Add to cart</span>" Then I should see "<span>Rubber Duck</span>" When I press "<span>Checkout</span>" Then I should see "<span>Checkout</span>" When I fill in "<span>order_name</span>" with "<span>Kevin Evans</ span>" And I fill in "<span>order_email</span>" with "<span>kwevans at gmail.com</span>" And I fill in "<span>order_spinach</span>" with "<span>55555</span>" And I press "<span>Submit Order</span>" uninitialized constant ActionController::AbstractRequest (NameError) (eval):2:in `/^I press "(.*)"$/'' /Users/kwe/Sites/newtoys/features/cart.feature:44:in `And I press "Submit Order"'' Then I should see "<span>Thankyou for your order</span>" Specifically, the And I press "<span>Submit Order</span>" uninitialized constant ActionController::AbstractRequest (NameError) (eval):2:in `/^I press "(.*)"$/'' The other ''When I press" actions work fine?!