I am moving into yet another area that I possess absolutely no
experience with. In this case the realm of RSS feeds and Rails as the
My first feature/scenario looks like this and, given the effort I had to
make to grasp the basics of features and scenarios in the crud world, I
thought it best to ask for comments before I get too far in.
Feature: Automatically Retrieve and Store Foreign Currency Exchange
In order to set foreign currency exchange rates daily
The automated system
Should automatically retrieve and store central bank exchange rates
To Reduce Costs and Protect Revenue
Scenario: Retrieve Exchange Rates from the Bank of Canada RSS feed
Given an RSS feed
When I access the RSS feed between Monday to Friday after
Then I should see "Bank of Canada: Noon Foreign Exchange Rates"
And I should see today''s date in "yyyy-mm-dd" format
Basically, all this is doing is seeing if I can get the feed. I suppose
that I could implement this as a direct controller call to the URL but
there is probably a better way of which I am presently unaware. The
other thing for which I wish guidance is the proper method to parse the
feed. I gather this is a case where I should be parsing the xml in
order to feed it to (ActiveResource?) and thence into the
currency_exchange_rates model.
Is there a recommended/preferred gem to handle this requirement?
Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.