Thanks, I''ll give the snippet a try.
My intent is not to pass the hash to the post directly, but to fill
form fields using webrat. Just i want a resusable step for filling
out the form with different values. Similarly I''ll use the hash
parser for checking row cells in a list view, etc
On Aug 8, 2008, at 1:43 PM, Ben Mabey wrote:
> Jonathan Linowes wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Anyone have code you could share that lets you pass a hash in
>> plain text stories,
>> for example
>> Then I fill out form with name: Jon, email: jon at, age: 9
>> passes in a hash { ''name'' =>
''Jon'', ''emal'' => ''jon at'',
>> ''age'' => ''9'' }
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> Jonathan,
> You can do this, and I have done it in the past, but I wouldn''t
> recommend it. Their are a couple of reasons why I would discourage
> it. The first is that by just posting a hash to the form''s URL
> (like you would do in a controller spec) you are not verifying the
> existence of the form fields and thereby skipping the view layer of
> the stack. You can get around this by also checking the markup for
> the form fields like you would in a view spec. However, doing this
> becomes very tedious. A much better solution exists and that is
> webrat. Webrat offers a very nice interface that ends up verifying
> the existence of the form fields and doing the post for you. If
> you haven''t looked into webrat then I would highly recommend
> The other disadvantage of what you are doing is that you might be
> placing too much information in your stories. The danger of this
> is that you might end up with ugly stories with a lot of noise that
> end up drowning out the real ''signal'' of the story.
> every time you add a field to the form you will have to change the
> story. See my post about the different styles of writing styles to
> see an example of how you might rewrite it. [2]
> That said, I don''t know your exact situation and what you are
> trying to do may very well be the best approach to it. So, the
> answer to your real question would be something like:
> # Pass the params as such: ISBN: ''0967539854'' and
comment: ''I love
> this book'' and rating: ''4''
> # this matcher will post to the resourcese default create action
> When "$actor submits $a_or_an $resource with $attributes" do |
> actor, a_or_an, resource, attributes|
> post_via_redirect "/#{resource.downcase.pluralize}",
> {resource.downcase => attributes.to_hash_from_story}
> end
> class String
> # Coverts a string found in the steps into a hash. Example:
> # ISBN: ''0967539854'' and comment: ''I love this
book'' and rating: ''4''
> # => {"rating"=>"4",
"isbn"=>"0967539854", "comment"=>"I
> this book"}
> def to_hash_from_story
> self.split(/, and |, /).inject({}){ |hash_so_far, key_value|
> key, value =
> key_value.split(":").map{ |v| v.strip.gsub("
> hash_so_far.merge
> (key.downcase => value.gsub("''",""))
> }
> end
> end
> To reiterate, I really do not like the pattern above. I started
> out doing stories like that ran into many problems with it. In
> short I think step reuse is overrated.
> I hope that helps,
> Ben
> [1]
> webrat-chunky-bacon/
> [2]
> scenarios-in-user-stories/
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