Hello Guys.
I''m upgrading a project from 0.9.8 to 1.0.8, following this procedure:
* Removed vendor/plugins/rspec* completely.
* installed rspec and rspec_on_rails from
* Run script/generate rspec to update spec_helper and spec.opts
Now, when running rake, get the following error: superclass mismatch
for class Annotation
The following pastie shows the backtrace from rake (--trace)
According to the last line evaluated by Ruby, class Annotation is
defined in another place, with another signature...
Which worked flawlessly prior the update.
This only brakes Rake (which actually is very helpful).
using script/spec and spec as gem to fire spec "testing" works almost
without problems (some issues with
ActionController::DoubleRenderError, nothing that couldn''t be fixed)
Any idea or suggestion? or I should stay at 0.9.8? :-)
Luis Lavena
Multimedia systems
Leaders are made, they are not born. They are made by hard effort,
which is the price which all of us must pay to achieve any goal that
is worthwhile.
Vince Lombardi