On 6/1/07, Dylan Stamat <dylans at gmail.com>
wrote:> In a controller spec, doing something like:
> response.redirect_url.should == omglolsrofls_path
> ... fails, as so:
> expected "/omglolrofls", got
"http://test.host/omglolrofls" (using ==)
> You can see that the http://test.host is prepended to the path.
> My controller is indeed redirecting to the omglolrofls path, and not
> the url.
> Is this expected ?
That''s how it''s doc''d
You can use omglolsrofls_url instead. If you think this should behave
differently, feel free to submit a feature request:
Cheers (and welcome),
> Oh... and that''s an arbitrary controller name if you were
wondering ;)
> Thanks !
> => Dylan
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