I''m really enjoying learning about ActiveRecord, which seems to be an
elegantly useful approach to the object-relational problem. Right now,
I''m trying to understand the canonical way to use transaction support:
The following comments are based on the documentation currently found
at api.rubyonrails.org:
1) The first example:
transaction do
Was this meant to be "transaction", or was
"ActiveRecord::Base.transaction" meant here? if just
what file would I "require" for that?
2) A more complete version of this example would, presumably, be something like:
dave = Client.find(...)
mary = Client.find(...)
transaction do
It''s my impression that, written this way, the code would have a race
condition (unless ActiveRecord is re-reading david & mary from the
database after a database transaction is started), and should really
be written this way:
transaction do
dave = Client.find(...)
mary = Client.find(...)
3) Similarly, with this example, also from the documentation:
Account.transaction(david, mary) do
I have the same concern--will Account.transaction ensure the integrity
of the records david & mary at the beginning of the transaction?
Should I wrap the whole thing (including the find''s, in another
"transaction do" statement?
4) In the discussion on exception handling, it''s not clear to me what
exceptions might be raised by ActiveRecord or the backend database.
It''d be really helpful to show an example which handled (and retried?)
database rollbacks caused by deadlocks, for example.
5) I *think* that the documentation is declaring the difference
between a general transaction and an object level transaction is that
the object level transaction tells ActiveRecord about the objects
involved in the transaction so that it can roll them back locally,
whereas the generic one won''t do this.
I would be grateful for any clarification of any of the above, and
examples would be most helpful.
Bob Sidebotham