I''m trying to resize multiple divs at once and having some trouble
keeping everything together.
I''ve got 3 divs: 2 "box" divs and a "handle"
between them. The handle
is an instance of a Draggable. When creating a draggable I use the
onStart event to record the offsetLeft of the handle. Then in the
onDrag function I check the new offsetLeft to figure out how far the
hand has moved. If its gone left I shrink reduce the left box''s width
and expand the right box''s width.
<div id="invitations">
<div id="drag1" style="height:200px; float:left">
<img src="images/dragger.jpg" alt="dragger">
<div id="characters">
<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
new Draggable("drag1", { starteffect:0, revert:true,
constraint:''horizontal'', onStart:function(){
startResize(''drag1''); },
onDrag:function(){ performResize(''drag1''); }});
startResize = function(elementName){
var element = document.getElementById(elementName);
element.startX = element.offsetLeft;
performResize = function(elementName){
var element = document.getElementById(elementName);
var leftElement = document.getElementById("invitations");
leftElement.style.width = parseInt(leftElement.style.width) +
element.offsetLeft - element.startX + "px";
Unfortunately this doesn''t seem to be working. I think it has
something do with the fact that as I expand the left div''s width, the
offset for the "handle" is now huge.
I''m guessing there''s a really simple solution since this seems
basic functionality, but I''m new and can''t figure it out.
Thanks in advance for the help!!
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