I suppose ''conteudo'' is the id of your element.
In HTML, id have to be unique!
What''s happening is that the effect is correctly triggered, but only
affects the first element in the DOM with the id of ''conteudo''
is already displayed... and thus cannot appear again !
On Jun 27, 12:52 am, rael
wrote:> Hi!
> I´m creating a application using CodeIgniter an Script.aculo.us to
> manage the ajax requests and effects.
> My problem is:
> A have a anchor link that call a function to change a div content.
> To do this I use a simple HTML code...
> <a onclick="mostravestibular()">
> .....
> The javascript function in a external file is:
> function mostraVestibular() {
> new Ajax.Updater
> {asynchronous:true});
> new Effect.Appear(''conteudo'',{duration:1.5});
> }
> than the CodeIgniter FrameWork call the "vestibular" function
> send the new contet to "conteudo" div using the APPEAR effect
> There are a lot of links with the same code that call other
> functions..
> When I star the site, the first link clicked appers with the effect,
> but the other ones, the effect doesn´t work...
> What could be happend?
> Sorry for the bad english,
> Thanks for the help...
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