It wouldn''t.
Scripty stores the original position of the cursor relative to the
top left corner (array, indexes 0 and 1) as a member of the draggable
object (this.offset). The draggable''s position, as calculated on
each mousemove, is calculated from that. If you want to move the div
relative to the cursor, you''ll want to adjust that value too.
On Jun 19, 2007, at 4:19 PM, SlashEMc2k wrote:
> I am trying to center draggable elements to the cursor by setting
> left/
> top styles with the onstart function on the draggable, however this
> doesn`t seem to work?
> I can set background and other styles but can`t reposition the
> draggable element.
> I am trying to recreate a simply effect like the one at
> Has anyone got any suggestions?
> Thanks.
> >
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