Hi David,
Have you try to just put this tag :
<script type="text/javascript"
I am under FF and Prototype 1.5.1 and all is OK.
Is you Prototype file is in the correct Path you precise in your
script "src" attribute ?
On 6/12/07, dmgens
> folks,
> I/m trying to get prototype 1.5.1 to play nice in firefox I/
> m new to this game and don''t know what is wrong. At the line:
> '', JSONFilter: /^\/\*-secure-\s*(.*)\s*\*\/\s*$/, emptyFunction:
> function() { }, K: function(x) { return x } }
> the javascript is displayed as text if the portotype.js is actually
> pasted into the html.
> and if I try:
> ript src="prototype.js" type="text/javascript"
> language="JavaScript1.2"></script>
> then try to reference $("temp") where I have defined temp with
> id="temp">
> I''m told that $() is undefined.
> I''m sure iIm doing something wrong but what?
> Thanks for any help you can give me
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