I have gotten it to work with onLoading rather than onCreate as per
the documentation:
onCreate is only available to responders, as it wouldn''t make a lot of
sense to individual requests: you do know when your code creates them,
don''t you?
On Jun 10, 10:27 am, muskokee
wrote:> Here is the script:
> function offerOptions() {
> var type = $F(''form_type'');
> var params = ''type='' + type;
> var url = ''myurl.com'';
> var ajax = new Ajax.Updater({success:
> function() { new Effect.Appear(''loading'',{duration:
> 0.2,queue:''end''});}, onComplete: function()
> { if(Ajax.activeRequestCount == 0) { new
> {duration:0.2,queue:''end''});}}, method:
''post'', parameters:
> params});
> }
> No matter what I do...the loading image will not appear when using the
> oncreate and oncomplete within the updater.
> if i place them in a normal ajax responder they work like a charm, but
> my page is complex and i need more than one loading image location for
> the different calls.
> is there something i have missed with respect to adding oncreate and
> oncomplete to updaters?
> thanks!
> Sheri
> p.s. it also has no effect should i replace the Effect.Appear with
> Element.show etc.
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