...instead of using postBody, you could try passing in the variables in
question with "parameters: someparsVariableName"... where
"someparsVariableName" is the name of the concatenated name-value pair
string of parameters. This way you could control how the parameters were
passed in.
On 5/5/07, Kristian Nørgaard
> Hi, newbee here.
> I''m trying to post a form this way:
> new Ajax.Updater (''ajax_div'',
> postBody:
> Form.serialize(f), asynchronous:false})
> - and it works, except from the encoding.
> Any special letter ( like the danish ones: æøå ) are not encoded corr>
> Is there a standard way to properly handle things like this?
> Thanks for any help...
> / Kristian
> >
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