Hey everyone,
been experimenting with other callbacks that work implicitly with
Sortable.create but cannot figure out how to retrieve the ID of the
element (draggable) that was dragged. Since Sortables where a
combination of droppables and draggables I thought the callbacks of
either might still be accessible...
Anyone can point me in the right direction would be greatly
appreciated. thanks !
On Apr 30, 5:34 pm, edgecontrol
wrote:> Hey,
> went through as many post as i can to find the correct syntax for this
> but cannot seem to put my finger on it.
> Simply trying to fire and innerHTML update when a draggable element is
> dropped on a DIV called ''feedback_area'' but does seem to
work right
> now. Here is the javascript code i sue to create the sortable with
theonDropparameter :
> Sortable.create(''drop_block2'',{
> tag:''div'',
> dropOnEmpty: true,
> containment:sections,
> only:''lineitem'',
> ghosting:true,
> constraint:false,
> onDrop: function(element)
{$(''feedback_area'').innerHTML = ''Dropped
> the '' + element.alt + '' on me.''; }
> });
> and here is the page example if anyone would like to view:
> ekuanalab.com/divetest/drag_test.asp
> thanks :-)
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