Alex Duffield a écrit :> The new documantion is a godsend! Well done to all who helped make this
> happen.
> That said, they should take a lesson from, where you can just
> type a function name after the domain and it uses the 404page as a
> search. (I think that is how they do it)
> So I can just do and get the info I am looking for.
For the record, you can "guess" URLs if you do know the object your
method is into. Just start with, and add from
there, e.g.
There is an exception for utility functions, though...
At any rate, there''s a bookmarklet you''ll find in the blog
("call to
prototype developers") that let you type something and use Google custom
search, which helps :-)
Christophe Porteneuve a.k.a. TDD
"[They] did not know it was impossible, so they did it." --Mark Twain
Email: tdd-x+CfDp/qHev2eFz/
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