I''ve got drag and drop (DD) working for my app in FF.
However, the same code doesn''t work in IE7. I can''t even see
an icon
change when you hover over the item I intend to drag. All I get is the
lasso effect; the mouse makes look it is trying to select the contents
of the page.
Here''s an abbreviated version of the code with the pertinent section:
<% remote_form_for :purchase_order, :url => { :action =>
:po_shipping_save } do |form| %>
<td valign="top">Special Delivery Instructions</td>
<ul id="list" style="list-style-position:
outside;list-style-image: url(/images/drag.gif);">
<% for i in @sd_instructions %>
<li id=<%= i.id.to_s %>><%= i.name %>
<%= draggable_element i.id.to_s, :revert =>
true %></li>
<% end %>
<td>3rd Party Carrier</td>
<td><%= form.text_field ''ship_terms''
<td colspan="4">
<%= form.text_area ''special_delivery_instructions'',
"cols" =>
50, "rows" => 4 %>
:url => { :controller => "purchase_order",
:action =>
:purchase_order_id =>
@purchase_order.id }) %></td>
<%= submit_tag %>
<% end %>
Thanks in advance if you can see anything amiss...
Chris J
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