Hi All, After reading Justin''s last post (http://encytemedia.com/blog/articles/2006/07/05/writing-custom- iterators-for-prototype) where he uses the following piece of code: var tags = "div p span ul ol li span form input select textarea h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 h6 dl dt em strong"; $A(tags.split('' '')).each(function(tag) { //do something }); I came to realize that Prototype could possibly do with a three liner add-on for even more syntactic sugar: function $w(string){ return string.split(/\s+/); } which just is a javascript implementation of the ruby flavored %w{ ant bee cat dog elk } and which would enable, for example, the following: $w("ant bee cat dog elk ").each(function(animal){ alert(animal); }); What do you think? Is it overkill or should I just go ahead and post an enhancement patch? Any suggestions welcomed... Regards, Tobie