Rails core - Mar 2013

Thursday March 28 2013
10:50AM 1 undefined method 'sanitize_limit' for #<ActiveRecord::Relation:0x2aaaad35d720>
2:48AM 0 Rationale for HMT << writing multiple join records instead of checking for an existing?
2:20AM 0 Issue: "ActiveRecord Hstore bug: can't update a key in the hash"
Wednesday March 27 2013
12:48PM 2 How to resolve gem dependencies?
Tuesday March 26 2013
2:50PM 2 Using rack.hijack with ActionController::Live
2:33AM 12 Why "head" won't send an empty response?
Monday March 25 2013
2:31PM 1 Allow the controller to override the asset_host
10:47AM 0 STI model and table alias
Saturday March 23 2013
5:21PM 2 IEC60027-2
12:51PM 2 ActiveRecord should eager load the parent record when fetching a relation Edit
Friday March 22 2013
5:19PM 0 Getting Turbolinks measurements that include load time for sub-resources
4:12PM 0 Should to_io be added to ActionDispatch::Http::UploadedFile?
9:41AM 4 Action View: hidden field tags from nested hash
Thursday March 21 2013
4:12PM 0 Is config.threadsafe! replaceable with config.allow_concurrency = true on Ruby 2.0?
Monday March 18 2013
10:53PM 2 railties depends on Rake >= 10.0.3
5:49PM 2 [SEC] Rails 3.2.13, 3.1.12, and 2.3.18 have been released!
Sunday March 17 2013
10:44AM 3 Use = instead of BETWEEN when a date range's begin and end are the same
Friday March 15 2013
2:21PM 1 Controller test session issue when using render
12:58PM 5 link_to should have its body and url arguments reversed
Wednesday March 13 2013
9:23PM 0 Dynamically changing table_name leaves sql_joins with cached names
Tuesday March 12 2013
8:04PM 9 Is this a bug in Rails? undefined method `change' for Infinity:Float (NoMethodError)
5:48AM 3 Appropriate way to remove an accepted commit?
12:07AM 5 Any interest in features from the "schema_plus" gem?
Monday March 11 2013
11:54PM 0 Any interest in various features from "schema_plus" gem?
Sunday March 10 2013
10:42PM 7 Home page route instead of root?
Thursday March 7 2013
7:51PM 0 Rails 3.2.13.rc2
11:11AM 1 Should ActiveRecord::RecordNotSaved attach the record in question?
3:38AM 4 Dynamic bang finders in Rails 4
Tuesday March 5 2013
1:08PM 2 CS6 SourceMaps and the Asset Pipeline