I am playing around with an alternative approach for dependencies.rb I
commented a while back but I''ve found something that may be a stopper.
I''d like to explain it in case anyone sees a way to handle this.
The basic idea would be that at some point in the initialization we
traverse load_paths and make autoload calls like this:
autoload "User", "app/models/user.rb"
To remove that constant in development mode you do the same stuff as
now and remove "app/models/user.rb" from $" or some hack like
(because autoload uses require). I believe that would simplify
dependencies.rb quite a bit.
OK, problem as always is namespaces. Let''s suppose you have
admin/product.rb. I''d like to be able to say
autoload "Admin::Product", "admin/product.rb"
but It turns out that autoload only accepts constant names, that call
is invalid. To say that you need to have a true Admin module and then
it is OK to say
module Admin
autoload "Role", "admin/role.rb"
If there''s no admin.rb you can just create an Admin module on the fly
and go on, but if there''s one you should load it.
And that doesn''t fit because a user would expect to be able to use
constants in admin.rb and there''s no guarantee those are ready for
autoloading because we are in the middle of the recursion.
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