On Feb 3, 2:00 pm, "Jodi" <j...@nnovation.ca>
wrote:> Greetings rails-core,
> I have patched up resource_feeder to render views for rss/atom
> description and rss [1]content_encoded data(Rob Sanheim).
> There were a lot of great suggestions for this plugin raised initially
> by Sam Ruby[2]. Given this discussion I suspect that evolution is
> underway.
> I''d like some guidance on this being an intersting feature for
> resource_feeder, and if so suggestions on the options interface and
> implementation.
> Given the above I can build patches/tests.
> cheers,Jodi
> [1]http://dev.rubyonrails.org/changeset/5688
> [2]http://www.mail-archive.com/rubyonrails-core@googlegroups.com/msg0037...
note to self:
Turns out resource_feeder doesn''t require any mods to render a view -
since description (and others) can receive a Proc - and
render_to_string can render like crazy
I''ll share usage details on the User''s list.
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