I''m sorry to jump on this so early, and with something seemingly so petty, but I just noticed that a new version of resource_scaffold was checked in. It seems to not be working at the moment (so no patch yet). view_edit.rhtml and view_new.rhtml loop through each attribute (column?) and wrap them in a paragraph. Inside that paragraph, is a bold for the field name, and then <%%= f.<%= attribute.field_type %> :<%= attribute.name %> %> I was wondering if, instead of bold, a <label for="<%=singular_name%>_<%=attribute_name%>"></label> could wrap the field name? That is more semantic, and allows for easier styling. It also allows a bigger "click target" for getting INTO the field. If you click on the name (say "Author: "), it will put the caret in the box. Thoughts? Erik.