I did this during RailsConf, while browsing the routing source:
I showed it to Nicholas on IRC, and he wondered why it didn''t just use
Pathname#cleanpath from the standard library, rather than reinventing
That seemed like a good question to me, so I rewrote normalize_paths
to make use of that feature.
This produced a test failure on MacOS and Win32. That struck me as
fairly odd, and I investigated.
It turns out that the canned test paths in the normalize_paths test
are unrealistic.
The windows test sets up test paths containing backslashes. However,
this isn''t what actually happens on a Windows system. Here''s
a sample
of the actual load paths that get passed to normalize_paths on my
Win32 box (many removed, for readability.):
The normalize_paths method has been written to deal with backslashes,
and this is presumably why Pathname wasn''t used. However, this
actually seem to happen in Ruby.
I thought I''d toss that out there before writing another patch.
Changing the code and the tests for that code at the same time is
slightly riskier, but I think is warranted here.