On 5-jun-2006, at 19:56, Julian ''Julik'' Tarkhanov wrote:
> As I understand, currently scoping does not override
> attr_protected, which makes it somewhat tedious to create multiuser
> apps with "master" attachment:
> class Article
> validates_presence_of :owner_id
> attr_protected :owner_id
> end
> Article.send(:scoped_methods) << {:create => {:owner_id => 3}}
> Article.create! :title => "Welcome" # boom! no no no you have
to do
> it manually boy....
> Is it intentional?
Filed and fixed as http://dev.rubyonrails.org/ticket/5302
someone might commit if time permits
Julian ''Julik'' Tarkhanov
please send all personal mail to
me at julik.nl