Have there been any changes recently to Edge Rails that might prohibit controllers that are nested more than one directory deep from been loaded/accessed? I recently created a new subsection to the administration portion of my application, but the controllers I create or move into this sub directory are not accessible. Has anyone else tried this recently? Here''s an abbreviated look at my directory structure: app/controllers base_controller.rb (BaseController < ApplicationController) /admin base_controller.rb (Admin::BaseController < BaseController) locations_controller.rb (Admin::LocationsController < Admin::BaseController) /tabs details_controller.rb (Admin::Tabs::DetailsController < Admin::LocationsController) A request to /admin/tabs/details results in a "uninitialized constant Admin::TabsController" error. If I go in and remove Edge Rails out of the vendor directory, the request works as expected. I''ll be happy to submit a ticket or even do a bit of digging around myself, I just want to make sure something hasn''t been changed that is yet to be documented and will allow this to work. Thanks. -- DeLynn Berry delynn@gmail.com http://www.delynnberry.com