Francois Beausoleil wrote:> Hi all !
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> r3679 | bitsweat | 2006-02-26 19:27:48 -0500 | 1 line
> Define attribute query methods to avoid method_missing calls. Closes #3677.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Unfortunately, that changeset causes problems with my code...
> I have a table named estimate_lines, with the following columns:
> id
> position
> estimate_id
> product_id
> quantity
> unit_price
> comment
> line_type
> r3679 now always defines reader, writer and reader? methods. My model
> looks like this:
> class EstimateLine < ActiveRecord::Base
> belongs_to :estimate
> belongs_to :product
> def comment?()
> line_type == ''comment''
> end
> # other methods removed
> end
> What happens is that my #comment? method is overriden by ActiveRecord.
> That''s BAD. Of course, my method is just a shortcut for the
> and it could probably be replaced with an STI, but you know, I was
> young back then...
> On the other hand, my quote objects have a #paid_in_full? method as
> well as a column with the same name. The implementation checks some
> things before replying, but is a side-effect free operation. The
> column is there as a cache of the value, which I update through other
> means.
> I would propose to update this changeset to implement the method, only
> if it is currently undefined. Same goes for reader and writer
> methods, I would guess. Haven''t tested, but does this changeset
> overwrite custom attribute getters/setters ?
My original implementation for 0.14.1 only defined readers if they
weren''t defined already. I''ll have a look at #3679 w.r.t.
-- stefan
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