On 2024-09-12 11:08 a.m., Jonathan Dushoff wrote:>> In this case, I do think we should look into the consequences of
>> indeed distinguishing
>> <double> * <complex>
>> <complex> * <double> and
>> <complex> / <double>
>> from their respective current {1. coerce to complex, 2. use complex
>> arithmetic.
> I'm wondering whether ? if this indeed gets opened up ? it might also
> make sense to calculate <double> x / <complex> y using real
> (as x*y / |y|?)
That's not the correct formula, is it? I think the result should be x *
Conj(y) / Mod(y)^2 . So that would involve <double> * <complex> and
<complex> / <double>, not just real arithmetic.
Duncan Murdoch