For base R graphics, you should always consult ?par for optional graphical
parameters when the high level graphics function doesn't appear to provide
the control you would like. I don't use base graphics -- i.e. i"m not
particularly facile with it -- but as you provided an example, I decided to
try to help. I think this is what you may want:
Y ~ X, data = df, ## better way to specify data instead of $
method = "jitter", offset=1/3,
vertical = TRUE, las=1,
pch=16, cex=2,
ylab="Y", xlab="X",
yaxt= "n", ## don't plot y axes
## Now add y axis on right with default tick mark locations
axis(side = 4, labels = FALSE)
How I got this (you may find this useful to modify the above if I didn't
get what you wanted) was as follows:
stripchart() does not seem to allow the direct control over the axes you
want. The 'axes' parameter help in ?stripchart sent me to?par to see if
could specify an axis on the right instead of on the left, but it did not
seem to provide such an option. So I decided to use what the yaxt parameter
described to omit the y axis in the high level (stripchart) call, and then
add it back with a subsequent call to axis(). I just used default tick
locations in that call, but you can specify them explicitly as ?axis
Again, if this is not what you wanted, I hope you can use the above to
modify stripchart() to your desired specification.
On Tue, Sep 5, 2023 at 12:57?PM Luigi Marongiu <marongiu.luigi at>
> I would like to draw a graph where the y-lables are missing but the
> marks still present.
> In this example, I get marks from 20000 to 140 000 with increments of
> 20 000. I could use `plot(... yaxt="n"...)` combined with
> at..., label="")` but this needs to know exactly the sequence of
> provided by plot. But this sequence might change.
> Thus is there a way to plot the marks without labels?
> Also, is it possible to draw the marks on the right side?
> Thank you.
> ```
> y = c(42008, 19076, 150576, 48192, 26153, 37931, 36103, 17692,
> 61538,41027, 71052, 94571)
> df = data.frame(X = c(rep(0, 6), rep(25, 6)), Y = y)
> stripchart(df$Y ~ df$X,
> method = "jitter", offset=1/3,
> vertical = TRUE, las=1,
> pch=16, cex=2,
> ylab="Y", xlab="X",
> main="Example")
> ```
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