I try to fit Bayesian logistic regression using rstan but i got the following error ### Model 2 Bayesian Logistic Regression model using rstan ###the follwing package must be loded or install inorder to reproduce the code library(dplyr) library(rstan) ##install.packages("rstan", dependecies=TRUE) library(readr) setwd("C:/Users/hp/Desktop/exercise Data/challenges_part_2/challenges_part_2/1_model_comparison/")# Change working directory Data <- read.table("simdata_covar.txt",colClasses=c(rep("numeric",6),rep("factor",2),rep("numeric",2)),as.is=T,na.strings=".",quote="", header=T, sep="\t") str(Data) head(Data) tail(Data) dim(Data) summary(Data) summary(Data$y) ### when we look the summary of the data there is an outlies in bmi and age ### methods of detecting and removing outliers from the data. ## Using inter quartle rage #find Q1, Q3, and interquartile range for values in column Age Q1 <- quantile(Data$age, .25) Q3 <- quantile(Data$age, .75) IQR <- IQR(Data$age) #only keep rows in dataframe that have values within 1.5*IQR of Q1 and Q3 Data_without_outliers <- subset(Data, Data$age> (Q1 - 1.5*IQR) & Data$age< (Q3 + 1.5*IQR)) dim(Data_without_outliers) str(Data_without_outliers) head(Data_without_outliers) tail(Data_without_outliers) summary(Data_without_outliers) sapply(Data_without_outliers, levels)##to see the level of the variables Data1<-Data_without_outliers dim(Data1) str(Data1) head(Data1) tail(Data1) summary(Data1) Data_list<-list(N=dim(Data1)[1],No_pred=9,x=Data1 %>% select(age, bmi, smoke,hypertension,diabetes ,edlevel ,region ,score ,score2 ),y=Data1$y) str(Data_list) ## returning the stan code library(rstan) require(rstan) options(mc.Cores=parallel:: detectCores()) rstan_options(auto_write=TRUE) setwd("C:/Users/hp/Desktop/exercise Data/challenges_part_2/challenges_part_2/1_model_comparison/")# working directory for stan code ### define the stan model hfit<-stan(file= "logit_sta_code.stan", data=Data_list, iter=10,000, chains=4) Error in stan_model(file, model_name = model_name, model_code = model_code, : model name must match (^[[:alnum:]]{2,}.*$)|(^[A-E,G-S,U-Z,a-z].*$)|(^[F,T].+) any one can help me with this error Best, Hana