You could turn your row values in a list, attach names to that list, and
pass the list to data.frame():> cl <- c("timestamp", "assess", "catheter",
"service", "ref")
> rw <- c("1654508112", "3", "gel",
"16545081121a8d8f956cb871053a3f56b782b70a76")> df <- data.frame(setNames(as.list(rw), nm=cl))
> df
timestamp assess catheter service
1 1654508112 3 gel 2785
At this point all the columns have type "character". You may want to
convert some columns to more meaningful types, e.g., "timestamp" to a
date/time class and "assess" to a number.
E.g.,> df[["timestamp"]] <-
origin=as.POSIXct("1970/01/01"))> df[["assess"]] <- as.numeric(df[["assess"]])
> df
timestamp assess catheter service
1 2022-06-06 10:35:12 3 gel 2785
16545081121a8d8f956cb871053a3f56b782b70a76> str(df)
'data.frame': 1 obs. of 5 variables:
$ timestamp: POSIXct, format: "2022-06-06 10:35:12"
$ assess : num 3
$ catheter : chr "gel"
$ service : chr "2785"
$ ref : chr "16545081121a8d8f956cb871053a3f56b782b70a76"
On Mon, Jun 6, 2022 at 9:51 AM John RF Staples via R-help <
r-help at> wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> I have the following two structures:
> # str(cl)
> # chr [1:5] "timestamp" "assess" "catheter"
"service" "ref"
> # str(rw)
> # chr [1:5] "1654508112" "3" "gel"
> ?16545081121a8d8f956cb871053a3f56b782b70a76"
> From which I would like to generate a 5 col x 1 row data.table; the
> question is ?how??
> ?cl? represents the column names; ?rw? the row values.
> With anticipatory thanks ?
> John
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