Dear Ashim,
If you really want to use lynx, then you need to open up a new terminal to make
this work. For example, this will do:
browseURL("","xterm -e lynx")
But this will open up a new terminal for each call to browseURL().
>-----Original Message-----
>From: R-help [mailto:r-help-bounces at] On Behalf Of Ashim
>Sent: Sunday, 20 March, 2022 10:42
>To: Jeff Newmiller
>Cc: R Help
>Subject: Re: [R] Can browseURL open a lynx browser?
>Dear Sir,
>> You mention reading the ?browseURL help page, but seem to make no
reference to
>the available options for invoking the browser of your choice. If the
browser you
>choose isn't behaving when you do this, then isn't this a question
for a forum
>related to that browser?
>Thank you,