The models are NOT equivalent. Why would you?ll think they were?
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> On Feb 9, 2022, at 11:10 PM, Bromaghin, Jeffrey F via R-help <r-help at> wrote:
> ?Hello,
> I was constructing a simple linear model with one categorical (3-levels)
and one quantitative predictor variable for a colleague. I estimated model
parameters with and without an intercept, sometimes called reference cell coding
and cell means coding.
> Model 1: yResp ~ -1 + xCat + xCont
> Model 2: yResp ~ xCat + xCont
> These models are equivalent and the estimated coefficients come out fine,
but the R-squared and F statistics returned by summary() differ markedly. I
spent some time looking at the code for both lm() and summary.lm() but did not
find the source of the difference. aov() and anova() results also differ, so I
suspect the issue involves how the sums of squares are being computed. I've
also spent some time trying to search online for information on this, without
success. I haven't used lm() for quite a while, but my memory is that these
differences didn't occur in the distant past when I was teaching.
> Thanks in advance for any insights you might have,
> Jeff
> Jeffrey F. Bromaghin
> Research Statistician
> USGS Alaska Science Center
> 907-786-7086
> Jeffrey Bromaghin, Ph.D. | U.S. Geological Survey
> Ecosystems Analytics | U.S. Geological Survey
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