The qsave/qread functions from the qs package are functionally interchangeable
with saveRDS/readRDS, but faster and create smaller files. A simple
if ( file.exists( "obj1.qs" ) ) {
obj1 <- qread( "onj1.qs" )
} else {
obj1 <- compute_obj1()
qsave( obj1, "obj1.qs" )
can be used but there are various caching packages [1] for ad-hoc use that
attempt to determine when a computation is out of date better than the existence
of a file (that you have to manually delete if you want to recompute) but they
may either fail to notice relevant changes or recompute unnecessarily. I have
in the last couple of months found that the targets package [2] seems to excel
at balancing these concerns and regularly use it now for large or complicated
analyses. You can build the _targets.R file by hand or use a targets markdown
file to build it for you and let you document your process as you go. Once all
objects are computed and in the cache then you can build reporting scripts that
generate plots and tabular output that retrieve the data as needed.
On December 24, 2021 8:31:21 AM PST, Rich Shepard <rshepard at> wrote:>On Fri, 24 Dec 2021, Adrian Du?a wrote:
>> Package admisc has a function called obj.rda(), which returns the names
>> the objects from an .Rdata file. Not sure how it handles corrupt .Rdata
>> files, but should generally give an idea about what's inside.
>Thank you. I know what dataframes and plots should be in there. I'll
>probably end up running all scripts again, in sequence, and reconstructing
>what's lost. And, I'm experimenting with qs (quick save) to
understand what
>it does and how to use it.
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Sent from my phone. Please excuse my brevity.