Dear Rich, If you want to look at Rdata-files in a quick way in the terminal, use this little gem in your .zshrc.local: readrdata() { Rscript -e "options(width=$COLUMNS); load('$1'); sapply(ls(), get, simplify=F)" | less } Merry Christmas! Best, Rasmus
On Fri, 24 Dec 2021, Rasmus Liland wrote:> If you want to look at Rdata-files in a quick way in the > terminal, use this little gem in your .zshrc.local: > > readrdata() { Rscript -e "options(width=$COLUMNS); load('$1'); sapply(ls(), get, simplify=F)" | less }Rasmus, I use bash, not zsh. And running the readdata() command in R produces no output. Thanks for the thought, Rich