The error is a simple typo, instead of the period after names(Data[,1]),
it should be a comma.
cat(format(names(Data[,1]), "\n", v1, justify = "right"),
sep = "\n")
(And the error message accurately points out where the error is, in
these cases try to read the instruction more carefully, typos can be
hard to find.)
Hope this helps,
Rui Barradas
?s 17:59 de 22/12/21, Stephen H. Dawson, DSL via R-help
escreveu:> Thanks.
> I am pondering label names, not set on one as of yet. I like your
> recommendation.
> > cat(format(names(Data[,1]). "\n", v1, justify =
"right"), sep = "\n")
> Error: unexpected symbol in "cat(format(names(Data[,1])."
> >
> Your proposed syntax has an error.
> Can you identify the error and reply with another recommendation, please?
> *Stephen Dawson, DSL*
> /Executive Strategy Consultant/
> Business & Technology
> +1 (865) 804-3454
> http://www.shdawson.com <http://www.shdawson.com>
> On 12/22/21 12:33 PM, Avi Gross via R-help wrote:
>> Stephen,
>> Why should there be a column header when you take your data and
>> reformat it?
>> cat(format(v1, justify = "right"), sep = "\n")
>> The above is no longer your original data structure and has specified
>> what you want printed. Your column header and other names associated
>> with your original data.frame are stored as attributes that you sort
>> of discarded.
>> The name you want is associated not with v1 but with what you call
>> Data[,1] and you can get that name using names(Data[,1]) and put it
>> where you want. In your case, if you want the single line above your
>> values to have that name, this would do it:
>> cat(format(names(Data[,1]). "\n", v1, justify =
"right"), sep = "\n")
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: R-help <r-help-bounces at r-project.org> On Behalf Of
Stephen H.
>> Dawson, DSL via R-help
>> Sent: Wednesday, December 22, 2021 12:02 PM
>> To: Duncan Murdoch <murdoch.duncan at gmail.com>; Rui Barradas
>> <ruipbarradas at sapo.pt>; Stephen H. Dawson, DSL via R-help
>> <r-help at r-project.org>
>> Subject: Re: [R] Adding SORT to UNIQUE
>> Data <- read.csv("./input/Source.csv", header=T)
>> v1 <- sort(unique(Data[, 1]))
>> cat(format(v1, justify = "right"), sep = "\n")
>> OK, working with the options you presented. This is the combination
>> where I gain the most benefit.
>> However, there is no listing of a column header with the output of
>> this syntax.
>> ? > cat(format(v1, justify = "right"), sep =
>> ?? 2
>> ?? 3
>> ?? 4
>> ?? 5
>> ?? 6
>> ?? 7
>> ?? 8
>> ?? 9
>> 10
>> ? >
>> The output here is correct (unique) based on the entries from the
>> How does one add a text label of something as simple as v1 to the
>> vertical output of this syntax, please?
>> *Stephen Dawson, DSL*
>> /Executive Strategy Consultant/
>> Business & Technology
>> +1 (865) 804-3454
>> http://www.shdawson.com <http://www.shdawson.com>
>> On 12/22/21 11:13 AM, Stephen H. Dawson, DSL via R-help wrote:
>>> OK, now I get what you are suggesting.
>>> Much appreciated.
>>> Kindest Regards,
>>> *Stephen Dawson, DSL*
>>> /Executive Strategy Consultant/
>>> Business & Technology
>>> +1 (865) 804-3454
>>> http://www.shdawson.com <http://www.shdawson.com>
>>> On 12/22/21 11:08 AM, Duncan Murdoch wrote:
>>>> On 22/12/2021 10:55 a.m., Stephen H. Dawson, DSL wrote:
>>>>> I see.
>>>>> So, we are talking taking the output into a new dataframe.
I was
>>>>> hoping to have the output rendered on screen without
>>>>> dataframe, but I can live with this option it if must
>>>>> Am I correct the desired vertical output must first go to a
>>>> No, that's just one option.? The other 3 don't use
>>>> Duncan Murdoch
>>>>> *Stephen Dawson, DSL*
>>>>> /Executive Strategy Consultant/
>>>>> Business & Technology
>>>>> +1 (865) 804-3454
>>>>> http://www.shdawson.com <http://www.shdawson.com>
>>>>> On 12/22/21 10:47 AM, Duncan Murdoch wrote:
>>>>>> On 22/12/2021 10:20 a.m., Stephen H. Dawson, DSL wrote:
>>>>>>> Thanks for the reply.
>>>>>>> Both syntax options work to render the correct
(unique) output.
>>>>>>> However,
>>>>>>> the output is rendered as horizontal. What needs to
happen to get
>>>>>>> the output to render vertical, please?
>>>>>> The result of those expressions is a vector of the same
type as the
>>>>>> column, so your question is really about how to get a
vector to
>>>>>> print one element per line.
>>>>>> Probably the simplest way is to put the vector in a
dataframe (or
>>>>>> matrix, or tibble, depending on which formatting you
prefer). For
>>>>>> example,
>>>>>>> ???? v <- c("red", "green",
>>>>>>> ???? data.frame(v)
>>>>>> ??????? v
>>>>>> 1?? red
>>>>>> 2 green
>>>>>> 3? blue
>>>>>> If you want a more minimal display, try
>>>>>>> cat(v, sep = "\n")
>>>>>> red
>>>>>> green
>>>>>> blue
>>>>>> or
>>>>>>> cat(format(v, justify = "right"), sep =
>>>>>> ??? red
>>>>>> green
>>>>>> ?? blue
>>>>>> If you want this to happen when you auto-print the
object, you can
>>>>>> give it a class attribute and write a function to print
that class,
>>>>>> e.g.
>>>>>>> ??? class(v) <- "oneperline"
>>>>>>> ???? print.oneperline <- function(x, ...)
cat(format(x, justify >>>>>> "right"), sep =
>>>>>>> ???? v
>>>>>> ??? red
>>>>>> green
>>>>>> ?? blue
>>>>>> Duncan Murdoch
>>>>>>> *Stephen Dawson, DSL*
>>>>>>> /Executive Strategy Consultant/
>>>>>>> Business & Technology
>>>>>>> +1 (865) 804-3454
>>>>>>> http://www.shdawson.com
>>>>>>> On 12/21/21 11:38 AM, Duncan Murdoch wrote:
>>>>>>>> On 21/12/2021 11:31 a.m., Duncan Murdoch wrote:
>>>>>>>>> On 21/12/2021 11:20 a.m., Stephen H.
Dawson, DSL wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Thanks for the reply.
>>>>>>>>>> sort(unique(Data[1]))
>>>>>>>>>> Error in `[.data.frame`(x, order(x,
na.last = na.last,
>>>>>>>>>> decreasing
>>>>>>>>>> decreasing)) :
>>>>>>>>>> ??????? undefined columns selected
>>>>>>>>> That's the wrong syntax:? Data[1] is
not "column one of Data".
>>>>>>>>> Use Data[[1]] for that, so
>>>>>>>>> ?????? sort(unique(Data[[1]]))
>>>>>>>> Actually, I'd probably recommend
>>>>>>>> ???? sort(unique(Data[, 1]))
>>>>>>>> instead.? This treats Data as a matrix rather
than as a list.
>>>>>>>> Dataframes are lists that look like matrices,
but to me the
>>>>>>>> matrix aspect is usually more intuitive.
>>>>>>>> Duncan Murdoch
>>>>>>>>> I think Rui already pointed out the typo in
the quoted text
>>>>>>>>> below...
>>>>>>>>> Duncan Murdoch
>>>>>>>>>> The recommended syntax did not work, as
listed above.
>>>>>>>>>> What I want is the sort of distinct
column output. Again, the
>>>>>>>>>> column may be text or numbers. This is
a huge analysis effort
>>>>>>>>>> with data coming at me from many
different sources.
>>>>>>>>>> *Stephen Dawson, DSL*
>>>>>>>>>> /Executive Strategy Consultant/
Business & Technology
>>>>>>>>>> +1 (865) 804-3454
>>>>>>>>>> http://www.shdawson.com
>>>>>>>>>> On 12/21/21 11:07 AM, Duncan Murdoch
>>>>>>>>>>> On 21/12/2021 10:16 a.m., Stephen
H. Dawson, DSL via R-help
>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks everyone for the
>>>>>>>>>>>> It is clear one either needs to
write a function or put the
>>>>>>>>>>>> unique entries into another
>>>>>>>>>>>> It seems odd R cannot sort a
list of unique column entries
>>>>>>>>>>>> with ease.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Python and SQL can do it with
>>>>>>>>>>> I've seen several responses
that looked pretty simple. It's
>>>>>>>>>>> hard to beat sort(unique(x)),
though there's a fair bit of
>>>>>>>>>>> confusion about what you actually
want.? Maybe you should post
>>>>>>>>>>> an example of the code you'd
use in Python?
>>>>>>>>>>> Duncan Murdoch
>>>>>>>>>>>> QUESTION
>>>>>>>>>>>> Is there a simpler means than
other than the unique function
>>>>>>>>>>>> to capture distinct column
entries, then sort that list?
>>>>>>>>>>>> *Stephen Dawson, DSL*
>>>>>>>>>>>> /Executive Strategy Consultant/
Business & Technology
>>>>>>>>>>>> +1 (865) 804-3454
>>>>>>>>>>>> http://www.shdawson.com
>>>>>>>>>>>> On 12/20/21 5:53 PM, Rui
Barradas wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hello,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Inline.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> ?s 21:18 de 20/12/21,
Stephen H. Dawson, DSL via R-help
>>>>>>>>>>>>> escreveu:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> sort(unique(Data[[1]]))
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> This syntax provides
row numbers, not column values.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> This is not right.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> The syntax Data[1] extracts
a sub-data.frame, the syntax
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Data[[1]] extracts the
column vector.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> As for my previous answer,
it was not addressing the
>>>>>>>>>>>>> question, I misinterpreted
it as being a question on how to
>>>>>>>>>>>>> sort by numeric order when
the data is not numeric. Here is
>>>>>>>>>>>>> a, hopefully, complete
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Still with package stringr.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> cols_to_sort <- 1:4
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Data2 <-
lapply(Data[cols_to_sort], \(x){
>>>>>>>>>>>>> ???????
stringr::str_sort(unique(x), numeric = TRUE)
>>>>>>>>>>>>> })
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Or using Avi's
suggestion of writing a function to do all
>>>>>>>>>>>>> the work and simplify the
lapply loop later,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> unisort2 <-
function(vec, ...)
stringr::str_sort(unique(vec), ...)
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Data2 <-
lapply(Data[cols_to_sort], unisort, numeric = TRUE)
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hope this helps,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Rui Barradas
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> *Stephen Dawson, DSL*
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> /Executive Strategy
Consultant/ Business & Technology
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> +1 (865) 804-3454
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> http://www.shdawson.com
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 12/20/21 11:58 AM,
Stephen H. Dawson, DSL via R-help
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Running a simple
syntax set to review entries in dataframe
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> columns.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Here is the working
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Data <-
read.csv("./input/Source.csv", header=T)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> describe(Data)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> summary(Data)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> unique(Data[1])
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> unique(Data[2])
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> unique(Data[3])
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> unique(Data[4])
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I would like to add
sort the unique entries. The data in
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the various columns
are not defined as numbers, but also
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> text. I realize
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 1 and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 10 will not sort
properly, as the column is not defined as
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> a number, but want
to see what I have in the columns
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> viewed as sorted.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> QUESTION
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> What is the best
process to sort unique output, please?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> R-help at r-project.org
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posting guide
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minimal, self-contained,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> reproducible code.
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list -- To UNSUBSCRIBE and more,
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>>>>>>>>>>>> code.
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