>>>>> Martin Maechler
>>>>> on Mon, 20 Dec 2021 09:46:23 +0100 writes:
>>>>> Mario Reutter
>>>>> on Sat, 18 Dec 2021 15:55:37 +0100 writes:
>> Dear everybody,
>> I'm a researcher in the field of psychology and a
>> passionate R user. After having updated to the newest
>> version, I experienced a problem with list.files() if the
>> parameter full.names is set to TRUE. A path separator
>> "/" is now always appended to path in the output even if
>> path %>% endsWith("/"). This breaks backwards
>> compatibility in case path ends with a path
>> separator. The problem occurred somewhere between R
>> version 3.6.1 (2019-07-05) and 4.1.2 (2021-11-01).
>> Example:
>>>> list.files("C:/Data/", full.names=T)
>> C:/Data//file.csv
>> Expected behavior: Either a path separator should never
>> be appended in accordance with the documentation:
>> "full.names a logical value. If TRUE, the directory path
>> is prepended to the file names to give a relative file
>> path." Or it could only be appended if path doesn't
>> already end with a path separator.
> This expected behavior has never been documented AFAIK. I
> tried R 3.6.1 on Linux and it already behaved like that:
> If you append a path separator it is kept in addition to
> the new one even though it's not needed:
>> list.files("/tmp", "^[abc]", full.names = TRUE)
> [1] "/tmp/check_proc__localuser"
>> list.files("/tmp/", "^[abc]", full.names =
> [1] "/tmp//check_proc__localuser"
> Why would one ever *add* a final unneeded path separator,
> unless one wanted it?
> Note that the default is ".", not "./" ..
> I think the change you see made R-for-Windows compatible
> to the rest of the univeRse where list.files() aka dir()
> always behaved like this.
> I agree that ideally this would have been mentioned in
> some of the NEWS; maybe it *is* mentioned in the rw-faw (R
> for Windows FAQ) or other R for Windows news.. ?
On the other hand, now that I tried it,
on the Windows Terminal Server 2016 I've access to,
I see what you said *was* your previous behavior, i.e.,
I see this {R code with comments for what I see} :
str(c0 <- list.files("C:/"))
## chr [1:23] "$Recycle.Bin" "536F22AB9746" "Boot"
"bootmgr" "BOOTNxsXT" ...
str(c1 <- list.files("C:/Boot", full.names=TRUE))
str(c1s <- list.files("C:/Boot/", full.names=TRUE))# extra
'/' at end
## but even here, the extra trailing '/' does *not* harm
all(c1 == c1s) ## TRUE !
The above, using ESS and plain RGui Windows *and* Rstudio;
for ESS in the following of my (dozen or so on Windows server) R versions :
R 3.6.1, 4.0.0, 4.1.1, 4.1.2
... so I remain quite a bit puzzled...
Maybe other R-on-Windows users can have a look?
>> My question would now be if this warrants a bug report?
> I don't think so. As I'm saying above, I think this has
> rather been a bug fix, making R more universal / less
> platform-dependent.
> Last but not least: You'd ideally update more than every
> 2.5 years...
> Best, Martin Maechler
>> And if you agree, could someone issue the report since
>> I'm not a member on Bugzilla?
>> Thank you and best regards, Mario Reutter
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