When the confidence interval is the normal CI, the return matrix has
only 3 columns, all other CI's return a matrix with 5 columns. See
section value in ?boot.ci.
So just change
$norm[, 4:5]
$norm[, 2:3]
Hope this helps,
Rui Barradas
?s 22:24 de 16/12/21, varin sacha via R-help escreveu:> Dear R-experts,
> Here below my R code. Using "bca" in the boot.ci function at the
end of my R code works perfectly. Using "perc" and "basic"
perfectly works as well. But using "norm", my R code does not work
> Is it possible to solve that problem and to make my R code work ?
> ################################################
> library(boot)
> s<- sample(178:798, 10000, replace=TRUE)
> mean(s)
> N <- 100
> out <- replicate(N, {
> a<- sample(s,size=5)
> mean(a)
> dat<-data.frame(a)
> med<-function(d,i) {
> temp<-d[i,]
> mean(temp)
> }
> ? boot.out <- boot(data = dat, statistic = med, R = 10000)
> ? boot.ci(boot.out, type = "norm")$norm[, 4:5]
> })
> mean(out[1,] < mean(s) & mean(s) < out[2,])
> ################################################
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