It is not too clear to me what you want to do and why that package is the way to
do it. Is the package a required part of your assignment? If so, maybe someone
else can help you find how to properly install it on your machine, assuming you
have permissions to replace the other package it seems to require. You may need
to create your own environment. If you are open to other ways, see below.
Are you trying to do something as simple as counting how many people in your
data are in various buckets such as each age truncated or rounded to an integer
from 0 to 99? If so, you might miss some of my cousins alive at 100 or that died
at 103 and 105 recently ?
Or do you want ages in groups of 10 or so meaning the first of two digits is 0
through 9?
Many such things can be done quite easily without the package if you wish.
As far as I can tell, your code reads in a data.frame from your local file with
any number of columns that you do not specify. If it is one, the solution
becomes much easier. You then for some reason feel the need to convert it to a
matrix. You then do whatever your Whipple does several ways.
Here is an outline of ways you can do this yourself.
First, combine all your data into one or more vectors. You already have that in
your data.frame but if all columns are numeric, you can of course do something
with a matrix.
Then make sure you remove anything objectionable, such as negative numbers or
numbers too large or NA or whatever your logic requires.
If you have a variable ready with N entries to hold the buckets, such as
length(0:100) or for even buckets of 5, perhaps length(0:99)/5 you initialize
that to all zeroes.
Now take your data, and perhaps transform it into a copy where every age is
truncated to an integer or divided by 5 first or whatever you need so it
contains a pure integer like 6 or 12. What I mean is if your buckets are 5 wide,
and you want 5:9 to map into one bucket, your transform might be
as.integer(original/5.0) or one of many variants like that.
You can now simply use one of many methods in R to loop through your values that
result and assuming you have a zeroed vector called counter and the current
value being looked at is N, you simply increment counter[N] or of N-1 or
whatever your logic requires.
Alternately R has many built-in methods (or in other packages) like cut() that
might do something similar without as much work.
And just for the heck of it, I tried your download instructions. Unlike your
three choices, I was offered 13 choices and as I had no clue what YOU were
supposed to download, I aborted.
1: All
2: CRAN packages only
3: None
4: colorspace (2.0-1 -> 2.0-2) [CRAN]
5: isoband (0.2.4 -> 0.2.5) [CRAN]
6: utf8 (1.2.1 -> 1.2.2) [CRAN]
7: cli (3.0.0 -> 3.0.1) [CRAN]
8: ggplot2 (3.3.3 -> 3.3.5) [CRAN]
9: pillar (1.6.1 -> 1.6.2) [CRAN]
10: tibble (3.1.2 -> 3.1.3) [CRAN]
11: dplyr (1.0.6 -> 1.0.7) [CRAN]
12: Rcpp (1.0.6 -> 1.0.7) [CRAN]
13: curl (4.3.1 -> 4.3.2) [CRAN]
14: cpp11 (0.2.7 -> 0.3.1) [CRAN]
In your case, if you selected All, what exactly did you expect?
-----Original Message-----
From: R-help <r-help-bounces at> On Behalf Of Md. Moyazzem
Sent: Sunday, August 8, 2021 5:25 PM
To: r-help at
Subject: [R] Calculation of Age heaping
Dear R-expert,
I hope that you are doing well.
I am interested to calculate the age heaping for each digit (0,1,...,9) based on
my data set. However, when I run the R code, I got the following errors. Please
help me in this regard.
Downloading GitHub repo timriffe/DemoTools at HEAD These packages have more
recent versions available.
It is recommended to update all of them.
Which would you like to update?
1: All
2: CRAN packages only
3: None
Enter one or more numbers, or an empty line to skip updates: 1
*After installing some packages, I got the following error message*
package ?backports? successfully unpacked and MD5 sums checked
Error: Failed to install 'DemoTools' from GitHub:
(converted from warning) cannot remove prior installation of package
I am attaching the R-code and data file along with this email.
Please help me in this regard.
Thanks in advance.
Best Regards,
Md. Moyazzem Hossain
Associate Professor
Department of Statistics
Jahangirnagar University
Savar, Dhaka-1342
Research: *Google Scholar
<>*; *ORCID iD