Hello I'm trying to use the Magick package for animations - it has
downloaded OK but says that it was built under version 4.0.5 and that
fontconfig and x11 features are disabled. Atm I am using R 1.4.1103 Am I
being naive in assuming that all later versions of R subsume the features
of earlier ones or is it that some packages stop being useable with later
In any event I have some code for an animation sequence which I have
downloaded from the site -Lesson 39 ? Discrete distributions in R: Part I ?
dataanalysisclassroom <https://www.dataanalysisclassroom.com/lesson39/>
the code runs without an error message but it doesn't give the animation
sequence you see on the website
Any help suggestions appreciated Nick Wray
######## Animation #########
# Create png files for Binomial distribution
width=600, height=300)
n = 181
x = 0:181
p = 0.1
for (i in 1:5)
px = dbinom(x,n,p)
plot(x,px,type="h",xlab="Random Variable X (Number of tickets in
days)",ylab="Probability P(X=k)",font=2,font.lab=2)
txt = paste("p=",p,sep="")
p = p+0.2
# Combine the png files saved in the folder into a GIF #
binomial_png1 <- image_read("binomial01.png","x150")
binomial_png2 <- image_read("binomial02.png","x150")
binomial_png3 <- image_read("binomial03.png","x150")
binomial_png4 <- image_read("binomial04.png","x150")
binomial_png5 <- image_read("binomial05.png","x150")
frames <- image_morph(c(binomial_png1, binomial_png2, binomial_png3,
binomial_png4, binomial_png5), frames = 15)
animation <- image_animate(frames)
image_write(animation, "binomial.gif")
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