The "confusionMatrix" function appears to be from the 'caret'
Have you loaded 'caret' with the library(caret) command?
On Sat, 27 Feb 2021 at 14:20, Kishor raut <rautkishor01 at>
> Respected Sir,
> I Mr Kishor Tried to get help online but wont found the solution so
> writting an email.
> Step1: While writting in rmarkdown all codes get executted very well till
> the fuction
> Confusionmatrix were written on it.
> Step2: As confusionmatrix command inserted following error is on screen
> board
> processing file: RMarkdown.Rmd
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> Quitting from lines 98-104 (RMarkdown.Rmd)
> Error in confusionMatrix(p1, train$CTestresult) :
> could not find function "confusionMatrix"
> Calls: <Anonymous> ... handle -> withCallingHandlers ->
withVisible -> eval
> -> eval
> Execution halted
> Step4: As codes were written these
> Using function ?sample? the data takes into sample of the specified size
> from the stored data
> ```{r}
> set.seed(1234)
> ind<-sample(2,nrow(FEVER1),replace=TRUE, pro = c(0.7,0.3))
> train<-FEVER1[ind==1,]
> test<-FEVER1[ind==2,]
> ```
> Application of Random Forest
> ```{r}
> library(randomForest)
> set.seed(123)
> rfmodel<-randomForest(CTestresult~.,data = train,prox=TRUE) # Random
> Forest Model
> plot(rfmodel,main="RandomForest Model")
> print(rfmodel,train) # Printing Outcome of 'model
> Training Data
> ```
> Prediction using Randome Forest Model
> ```{r}
> # Prediction of RandomForest Intial Model for Test and Train Data
> ptrain1<-predict(rfmodel,train) # Predicting model
> On Training Data
> # First Six Outcomes with prediction
> head(ptrain1) # Printing First Six Prediction
> using Random Forest Model
> head(train$CTestresult) # Printing First Six (6)
> Actual outcomes
> ```
> Tuning Model:
> Tuning of Machine learning model is important step for building good model
> for best outcome of research.
> ```{r}
> # Tunning RandomForest Model using Algorithm
> t<-tuneRF(train[,-11],train$CTestresult, mtryStart = 2,ntreeTry = 100,
> stepFactor =2,improve = 0.051,trace = TRUE, plot = TRUE, doBest=TRUE)
> ```
> Building New Model:
> New model was build on the basis of tunned model parameters and controls.
> ```{r}
> # New Model After Tuning Random Forest Model
> rf1<-randomForest(CTestresult~.,data = train,ntree = 100, mtry = 8,
> importance = TRUE,proximity = TRUE)
> print(rf1)
> ```
> Prediction and Confusion MAtrix:
> outcome of model will mesuare with the help of predictive outcomes with the
> help of confusion matrix.
> ```{r}
> # Prediction using Random Forest and Confusion Matrix for Train Data
> p1<-predict(rf1,train)
> cmatrix<-confusionMatrix(p1,train$CTestresult)
> cmatrix
> ```
> I will great thank full if you will help me for to remove the error.
> --
> *Kind Regards*
> Kishor Raut
> *Cell No.-07387706552*
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Kingston ON Canada
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