Or maybe V1 and V2 are variables that hold column names?
If so see thess StackOverflow posts [1], [2]. The trick is to use [[,
not $ to extractthe columns.
V1 <- "Gender"
V2 <- "Hand"
MyT2 <- table(MyData[[V1]], MyData[[V2]])
Hope this helps,
Rui Barradas
?s 21:48 de 27/12/20, Jim Lemon escreveu:> Sorry, Bert, I also forgot to copy to the list.
> Hi Seyet Ali,
> If you have created the data frame, you probably know that
> "Hand" and "Gr" are the names of the vectors of values
that are joined
> in the data frame "MyData". You now wish to change those names. I
> don't know why you would change the names to obscure ones like
> but I suggest a look at the "names" function. The answer to your
> question should now be clear to you.
> Jim
> On Mon, Dec 28, 2020 at 8:47 AM Jim Lemon <drjimlemon at gmail.com>
>> Hi Seyet Ali,
>> If you have created the data frame, you probably know that
>> "Hand" and "Gr" are the names of the vectors of
values that are joined
>> in the data frame "MyData". You now wish to change those
names. I
>> don't know why you would change the names to obscure ones like
>> but I suggest a look at the "names" function. The answer to
>> question should now be clear to you.
>> Jim
>> On Mon, Dec 28, 2020 at 7:25 AM Seyit Ali KAYIS
>> <seyitali.kayis at ibu.edu.tr> wrote:
>>> Dear R users,
>>> ?
>>> I have a data frame as below. In part 1, I have created a table for
Gender and Hand, performed Chi-Square test and made graph using ggplot.
>>> ?
>>> I want to replace the original variable names (Gender and Hand)
with V1 and V2 and to be able to perform those things again as in #part 2. Is
there a way to be able to replace the original names?
>>> ?
>>> Any help is deeply appreciated
>>> ?
>>> Kind Regards
>>> ?
>>> Seyit Ali
>>> ?
>>> ?
>>> MyData<-data.frame("Gender" = c("F",
"F", "F", "F", "M",
"M", "M", "M",
"M", "M", "F", "F"),
>>> "Hand" = c("R",
"R", "L", "L", "R",
"R", "L", "L",
"R", "R", "L",
>>> "Gr" = c(1, 2, 1,
2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1,
2, 1, 2) )
>>> MyData <- within(MyData, {
>>> Gender <- factor(Gender)
>>> Hand <- factor(Hand)
>>> Gr <- factor(Gr)
>>> }
>>> )
>>> ?
>>> str(MyData)
>>> ?
>>> library(ggplot2)
>>> ?
>>> ################# Part 1
>>> ?
>>> MyT <- table(MyData$Gender, MyData$Hand)
>>> print(MyT)
>>> ?
>>> MyChi<- chisq.test(MyT)
>>> print(MyChi)
>>> dMyT <- data.frame(as.table(as.matrix(table(MyData$Gender,
MyData$Hand, useNA = "ifany"))))
>>> name2<- c("Gender", "Hand",
>>> names(dMyT) <- name2
>>> ?
>>> ggplot(data = na.omit(dMyT), aes(fill=Hand, y=Frequency, x=Gender))
>>> geom_bar(position="dodge",
>>> ?
>>> ################# Part 2 ################
>>> ?
>>> # I want to be able to pass Gender and Hand as V1 and V2 ,
respectively to
>>> # table, Chi-Square test and ggplot
>>> ?
>>> V1 <- "Gender"
>>> V2 <- "Hand"
>>> ?
>>> MyT2 <- table(MyData$V1, MyData$V2)
>>> ?
>>> print(MyT)
>>> ?
>>> MyChi<- chisq.test(MyT)
>>> print(MyChi)
>>> dMyT <- data.frame(as.table(as.matrix(table(MyData$V1,
MyData$V2, useNA = "ifany"))))
>>> name2<- c(V1, V2, "Frequency")
>>> names(dMyT) <- name2
>>> ?
>>> ggplot(data = na.omit(dMyT), aes(fill=V2, y=Frequency, x=V1)) +
>>> geom_bar(position="dodge",
>>> ?
>>> ?
>>> ?
>>> ?
>>> ----------------------------------------------------
>>> Dr. Seyit Ali KAYIS
>>> Bolu Abant Izzet Baysal University, Faculty of Medicine
>>> Department of Biostatistics and Medical Informatics
>>> Bolu, Turkey
>>> <mailto:s_a_kayis at yahoo.com> s_a_kayis at yahoo.com,
<mailto:s_a_kayis at hotmail.com> s_a_kayis at hotmail.com
>>> Tel: +90 374 254 30 32 Mobile: +90 535 587 1139
>>> Greetings from Bolu, Turkey
>>> ------------------------------------------------------
>>> ?
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