Hello to all. I have a small confusion, kindly if you could suggest something? I need to compare two algorithms, CART and NNET in R. The results show that NNET has better MAE value, but I want to find if there is any significance difference between the results of both algorithms? The dataset I used is about regression problem. Hence, I used wilcoxon test as: //For CART search <- train(Results ~ ., data = training, method = "rpart", metric = "MAE", preProc = c("center", "scale", "zv" ), getTrainPerf(search) x=resid(search) Then <https://www.facebook.com/thenmozhi.ramagounder?__tn__=%2CdK-R-R&eid=ARBBMjI1AS5FYMfsAWEjxzbMRUd3GZnEPAAuE2ci8UORtsysXGV9i9TGqCy_e6m3hE_e-t8V7TXcVo-F&fref=mentions> for NNET search2 <- train(Results ~ ., data = training, method = "nnet", metric = "MAE", preProc = c("center", "scale", "zv" ), getTrainPerf(search2) x2=resid(search2) wilcox.test(x,x2) I want to ask is it the right way to find the significance test? And , if not what is the better way. Kindly suggest me a solution as I have searched a lot related to it on the web but found nothing. [[alternative HTML version deleted]]