Your specification seems too vague to me. What sort of "patterns" are
See also ?table on your "concatenated" columns, e.g. something like:
table(, yourdata.frame))
or even,yourdata.frame)
for a contingency table.
There are books written on the "analytics" (both statistical and
of multidimensional contingency tables and categorical data that you may
wish to consult some to get some more specific ideas.
Bert Gunter
"The trouble with having an open mind is that people keep coming along and
sticking things into it."
-- Opus (aka Berkeley Breathed in his "Bloom County" comic strip )
On Mon, Dec 16, 2019 at 11:13 AM Jeff Reichman <reichmanj at>
> R-Help
> I have a need to find aggregated patterns within a data.frame of some 80
> million records and wanted to know if there are any packages which could be
> used to find patterns by row. For example
> Col 1 Col 2 Col3
> A 1 aa
> A 2 bb
> A 1 aa
> In this example pattern A - 1 - aa occurs twice, and A - 2 - bb occurs
> once.
> Presently I'm simply concatenating the columns and performing a group
> and count. Which works but wonder if there were any packages that would
> perform such (and maybe other) analytics.
> Sincerely
> Jeff Reichman
> (314) 457-1966
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